Physical Medicine
If you are suffering from chronic pain in your back, neck, shoulder or joint, our on-site chiropractic team offers a natural solution to your pain.
Pain is one of the body’s primary mechanisms to signal that there is something wrong. It is a symptom of underlying issues. Unlike most pain management centers, which focus on the use of heavy drugs to mask pain, we specialize in the proven field of Physical Medicine. Physical Medicine is a branch of rehabilitative medicine. Its aim is to restore optimum functionality and improve quality of life for those who are suffering from pain, physical impairments or disabilities. Accidents, illnesses, long-term stress and other factors cause injury to the muscles, soft tissues, bones (including structure and alignment), and even the nervous system. Our medical staff has years of training, experience and success in bringing lasting and real relief to our patients. By locating the cause (not just medicating the symptoms) we can very often bring tremendous relief to our patients.
Please contact us today for more information to see how we can help you live pain free. Call us at (918) 747-5555.
- Rehabilitative Therapy
- Posture Screening
- Chiropractic Care
Prevent Re-injury and Maintain Your Health With Active Rehab Exercises. It’s all about prevention and maintenance when it comes to avoiding reinjury and maintaining a healthy existence in Tulsa, OK!
At Lifestyle Medical Center, we stay with you every step of the way until you experience complete healing! Our medical staff takes the time to get to know you and your health goals. We believe in modern medical methods, which focus on natural healing with the least invasive measures.
You will receive a customized care plan that avoids surgeries and prescription painkillers, and you will be given the tools to allow your body to heal itself! You can be as strong and healthy as you want! Come see our team to get started.
What Health Conditions Can We Help With?
Our medical team offers evidence-based and cost effective treatments that can alleviate pain and restore function for the following situations:
- Car accident injuries
- Sports injuries
- Work-related injuries
- Spine and neck injuries
- Neuromuscular disorders
- Chronic pain
- Headaches and migraines
- Joint injuries
- Trigger point pain
- Much more!
Any condition that affects your ability to move freely and without pain can be helped by active rehab exercises!
How Do Active Rehab Exercises Work?
Active rehab exercises can improve mobility and motion in any part of the body. Motion is the base of our quality of life. When you can’t enjoy your favorite activities, or when daily tasks and work make for painful days, life can become difficult, physically and mentally, very quickly.
Injury can happen in the blink of an eye or after extended misuse of the body. When you suffer an injury, your body immediately reacts and adjusts to compensate for the injured area. You begin to favor one side when you stand, sit, or kneel. This overcompensation becomes the new “normal” for your body. Before you know it, your entire body is out of balance and not functioning properly. Every motion that you do has a hint of the injury in it.
Active rehab exercises provides a conservative and noninvasive option to surgery.
Our medical staff focuses on treatment, healing, and prevention of physical disorders, especially ones that involve nerves, muscles, bones, and the brain. You will receive an initial comprehensive examination, and once we’ve identified the root cause of your pain, we will create a customized rehabilitative care plan to get you on the road to reestablishing some or all of the physical, sensory, and mental capabilities that were lost due to injury, illness or disease.
Active rehab exercises allows you to manage pain effectively without prescription or over-the-counter medications. Your medical team will collaborate with exercises, stretches, medical massage, and an array of other options to begin to teach your body to heal itself. By strengthening individual pieces of the puzzle, the entire body will begin to carry it’s own weight and your pain will begin to subside. While there is a time for medication, wouldn’t you rather allow your body to heal itself as a first option?
You will have the opportunity to work with our highly-skilled medical staff to create a rehabilitation program to help strengthen your body, increase your range of motion, add flexibility, and develop pain-free motion.
Are Active Rehab Exercises Right For Me?
At Lifestyle Medical Center, you will receive customized state of the art active rehab exercises! Whether you are suffering from an illness or an injury, active rehab exercises can heal you while preventing future injury of reinjury. Our medical team will conduct a thorough and comprehensive medical examination that takes your medical history, current pain, and health priorities to create an individualized care plan.
Your customized care plan may include several modes of treatment:
- Direct pain management, such as topical creams or medical massage to heal the pain at the source
- Nutritional counseling to help with diet planning, weight loss goals, and food allergies
- Direct application of heat and/or ice to reduce pain and inflammation
- Manual therapy and adjustments through therapeutic procedures to improve blood flow, help boost relaxation, and promote nutrients and healing to injured areas
- Customized targeted exercises to strengthen muscles while improving flexibility, balance, and range of motion
Are you ready to stop living with pain? Healing, prevention and maintenance are the steps we offer to get you back to living pain free. What are you waiting for?
We all know that we need good posture, but do we really know why?
Poor posture can be the root of many aches and pains, especially back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain.
Our daily lives often consist of staring at a computer screen, being hunched over a pile of papers on a desk, lifting heavy objects, or just playing hard. These types of activities can negatively affect alignment and cause a ripple effect of new and hard to pinpoint issues. Continually holding or moving our bodies in harmful ways can cause tense muscles, subsequently making our tendons, ligaments, joints and spine all fall out of alignment. Movement is not efficient in this environment, and solving a posture issue is often the first, and sometimes final, solution to ending pain! Are you ready to see if poor posture is the source of your pain? Our highly-trained medical staff, located in Tulsa, OK, is ready to get you on the path to a pain free life!
Why is good posture so important?
Living your life with poor alignment causes additional strain to muscles, ligaments, tendons, and organs. As you begin to correct your postures, your body will begin to move efficiently and in harmony, and you will feel less pain and fatigue.
What problems can poor posture cause?
- Musculoskeletal issues
- Overpronation
- Weakened foot arches
- Stiff neck muscles
- Tight hip flexors
- Tight chest muscles
- Compressed and less efficient intestines and organs
- Decreased and inefficient circulation and blood flow
- Back, neck, shoulder, and body pain
- Various other issues
Our medical staff is here to help! We will determine if poor posture and alignment are the cause of your pain. The first step towards feeling better is locating the source of the issue, and our staff at Lifestyle Medical Center will collaborate to give you an individualized care plan to get you on the road to feeling better, today!
How can a poor posture screening help me?
At Lifestyle Medical Center, our team of doctors and professionals are trained to assess the alignment of your spine, bones, and muscles through a comprehensive posture screening. We will observe the way you sit, stand, and move, while measuring and recording slight movements from multiple angles. With this detailed examination, and any necessary x-rays, our team of doctors will determine where any misalignment is occurring, resulting in poor posture and pain.
Explore a medical solution to poor posture.
We’re happy to tell you that most posture and alignment related issues can be corrected! Our medical team will develop and incorporate an individualized chiropractic care plan to re-train your body to have correct alignment, through exercises, chiropractic adjustments, and other medical therapies. Through this collaboration with medical solutions and your body, your tense muscles will relax, subsequently strengthening your weaker muscles.
At Lifestyle Medical Center, your individualized chiropractic treatment plan will be specific to your posture and pain issues.
Each treatment plan may include any/all of the following:
- Manual chiropractic adjustments
- Mechanical chiropractic adjustments
- Medical massage therapy
- Individualized stretches and exercises
- Application of cold or heat to affected areas
- Maintenance suggestions to keep and maintain good posture
- Other therapies, as needed
We understand that each patient is unique!
What can you expect from your posture screening?
Our screenings are diagnostic procedures that provide an analysis of your spine and alignment. Our highly-trained medical staff will aim to pinpoint misalignment and other issues.
Neck pain, back pain, body pain, and headaches can all be the result of poor posture. Our number one goal is to establish better posture while sitting and standing. Our patients often experience immediate relief after a chiropractic adjustment. Many of our patients report an increase in range of motion, a relief of back and neck pain, and a better sense of well-being. At Lifestyle Medical Center, we believe a happier spine can lead to a happier mind!
Your chiropractic team will need to see you several times each week at the start of your treatment plan. As we collaboratively re-train your body toward proper alignment, you can evolve to once a week visits, and eventually occasional visits for maintenance.
Explore our non-invasive approach to better posture and overall health!
At Lifestyle Medical Center, we dig deep to uncover the source of your pain. Too often, pain medications and surgery are the first suggestion to pain relief, and these options can quiet the pain instead of fixing the actual problem. Surgery can include more pain medications, long recovery time, and often, more issues. Why not try our non-invasive approach before anything else? We strive to understand and pinpoint the actual issue by listening to the body’s clues, and letting the body begin to heal itself. In working with you to improve your posture, our medical staff will do more than mask your pain symptoms with prescription or surgical solutions. We will guide your body back to a healthy alignment naturally and efficiently, moving you back to a pain free life and a whole health vision.
Keep Your Back Pain, Neck Pain, and Joint Pain Away For Good Through Chiropractic Corrective Care and Wellness Care
At Lifestyle Medical Center, in Tulsa, OK, our highly skilled and professional chiropractic staff will create a holistic and unique to your symptoms care plan to realign your head, neck, spine, and extremities. Our goal is to create long-lasting and maximum comfort, to send you back into the world with a smile on your face, ready to tackle your life, pain free!
Symptom Relief
Many people go to a chiropractor because they are in pain. In this first phase of care, the main goal is to reduce your symptoms. Sometimes this will require daily visits, or two to three visits per week for a time.
Most people are under the assumption that if they don’t feel any pain that there is nothing wrong with them – that they are healthy. Unfortunately, pain is a very poor indicator of health. In fact, pain and other symptoms frequently only appear after a disease or other condition has become advanced.
For example, consider a cavity in your tooth. Does it hurt when it first develops or only after it has become serious? How about heart disease? Regardless of whether you are talking about cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stress or problems with the spine, pain is usually the last thing to appear. When you begin chiropractic care, pain is also the first symptom to disappear, even though much of the underlying condition remains.
Corrective Care
Teaming up for Optimal Health. Most chiropractors regard the elimination of symptoms as the easiest part of a persons care. If all that the chiropractor does is to reduce the pain and stop there, the chances of the condition recurring are much greater. In order to prevent a rapid recurrence of symptoms, it is necessary to continue receiving care even though your symptoms are gone.
During the correction / restorative phase of your care, you will not have to receive adjustments as often as you did during the first phase of care and, depending on your particular circumstances, you may begin doing exercises and stretches either at the center or at home to help accelerate your healing.
Do not be discouraged if you have mild flare-ups in your symptoms on occasion. This is normal. Flare-ups are bound to occur during this phase because your body has not fully healed. Depending on the severity of your injury or condition and how long you have been suffering from it, this phase of your care may last anywhere from a few months to a couple of years.
Wellness Care
Maintenance is Key to Healthy Living. Once your body has fully healed, routine chiropractic care can help ensure that your physical problems do not return, and keep your body in optimal condition. Just like continuing an exercise program and eating well in order to sustain the benefits of exercise and proper diet, it is necessary to continue chiropractic care to ensure the health of your musculoskeletal system.
When you make routine chiropractic care a part of your lifestyle, you avoid many of the aches and pains that so many people suffer through, your joints will last longer and you will be able to engage in more of the activities you love.
Innovative Solutions to Pain Relief and Compassionate Care
Once you begin chiropractic care, and you are past the initial phase of symptom relief, you’ll discover something amazing…chiropractic care can address whole body health!
We understand that no matter where your pain begins, it’s hard to find yourself unable to do the activities you love. You will always receive expert, specialized care by experienced and forward thinking professionals. When you make routine chiropractic care a priority in your life, you can avoid the aches and pains that too many people suffer through. There’s no hero card for living with pain. Treat your body to chiropractic care and watch as joint pain, neck pain, and back pain become a thing of the past. You deserve it!
Call us today at (918) 747-5555 to start on the path towards pain free living!
Functional Medicine
Functional Medicine Works To Identify And Address The Underlying Causes Of Disease
Out of sheer need, healthcare is evolving from a traditional disease-centered, symptom based focus to a more patient-centered, systems-oriented, functional approach.
This is 21st century healthcare. Functional medicine practitioners work together with their patients, listening to their personal health histories, looking at a variety of factors including diet, lifestyle and environmental elements that adversely affect long-term health and lead to the onset and advancement of chronic disease. Only by addressing an individual patient and his or her personal health can real inroads be made and true health and wellness be achieved.
Our society is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of people who suffer from complex, chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, and autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis. Although we are seeing an increase in the number of patients suffering from these illnesses, we are not seeing a commensurate rise in the number of primary care doctors who are comfortable treating these illnesses. A 2013 survey conducted by the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA) revealed the following:
64% of family physicians stated they are “uncomfortable” or “stressed” when diagnosing autoimmune disease in patients.
73% do not believe they received adequate training in diagnosing and treating autoimmune diseases.
57% reported they had only one or two lectures on autoimmune disease in medical school.
Why do we need functional medicine?
The system of medicine practiced by most physicians is oriented toward acute care, the diagnosis and treatment of trauma or illness that is of short duration and in need of urgent care, such as appendicitis or a broken leg. Physicians apply specific, prescribed treatments such as drugs or surgery that aim to treat the immediate problem or symptom.
Unfortunately, the acute-care approach to medicine lacks the proper methodology and tools for preventing and treating complex, chronic disease. In most cases it does not take into account the unique genetic makeup of each individual or factors such as environmental exposures to toxins and the aspects of today’s lifestyle that have a direct influence on the rise in chronic disease in modern Western society.
There’s a huge gap between research and the way doctors practice. The gap between emerging research in basic sciences and integration into medical practice is enormous—as long as 50 years—particularly in the area of complex, chronic illness.
Most physicians are not adequately trained to assess the underlying causes of complex, chronic disease and to apply strategies such as nutrition, diet, and exercise to both treat and prevent these illnesses in their patients.
How is functional medicine different?
Functional medicine involves understanding the origins, prevention, and treatment of chronic disease.
The focus of functional medicine is on patient-centered care, promoting health as a positive vitality, beyond just the absence of disease. By listening to the patient and learning his or her story, the practitioner brings the patient into the discovery process and tailors treatments that address the individual’s unique needs.
- Medical Weight Loss
- Hypothyroid
- Chronic Fatigue
Medical Weight Loss with invisa-RED™ at Lifestyle Medical Center in Tulsa, OK will be the difference you’ve been seeking!
We are the ONLY Weight Loss Center in Oklahoma Providing this Innovative, Effective Treatment!
Our mission is to reveal your inner beauty, revitalize your confidence, and make your vision a reality. As industry leaders we offer the most innovative and cost effective programs in laser aesthetics, weight loss, beauty, and total body wellness. Clients experience an ambiance of true relaxation during their time with us. All individualized programs are safe, painless, and extremely effective in providing clients with real results.
Your transformation begins with your first visit to our facility. Call us today at (918) 747-5555 to schedule a private consultation with one of our weight loss specialists.
In an industry where one size fits all concepts are typical, we’ve opened the door to a new way of thinking and a lifetime of results. We have taken a truly individualized approach by combining multiple successful components into a REAL long-term solution. Clients safely lose, on average, 2 – 3 lbs. per week. All of our weight loss programs are individualized and based on our clients’ needs. We can help anyone lose weight safely and permanently, regardless of time constraints, medical conditions, lifestyle and budget.
Weight Loss Is Not Your Life. Family, work, hobbies… are your Life!
Weight loss just has to be incorporated into the rest of your life.
Our weight loss programs include:
- Low Level Laser Treatments (LLLT)
- Nutritional Modification, Education, and Counseling
- Lifestyle Management
- Stress Reduction
- Massage
- Assistance with sleeping difficulties
- Fitness programs
Call us today at (918) 747-5555 to schedule your consultation and we can answer any questions you may have about:
- Pain for downtime from the treatment
- Areas that can be treated
- Contouring and spot reduction
- Stretch mark fading
- Cellulite elimination
- Maintenance memberships
- And much more!
Discover a fresh clinical approach for patients suffering from Hypothyroid
Do You Continue To Suffer With Hypothyroid Symptoms Despite Thyroid Hormones, “Normal” Labs, And Your Health Care Practitioner Telling You “Everything Seems Fine”?
Many people suffering from an underactive thyroid condition continue to suffer the frustrations of persistent symptoms like:
- Inability to lose weight even with low calorie diets and exercise
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Anxiety
- Hair Loss
- Constipation
- Infertility
Many hypothyroid sufferers continue to suffer and get worse with time seemingly with no explanation. Many are convinced that something is being missed! And they are actually right much of the time. The reasons for continued suffering and frustration are often related to less than thorough evaluation by health care practitioners, which ultimately leads to an incomplete or inadequate diagnosis. An incomplete diagnosis for many patients leads to inadequate and/or less than thorough care. This scenario commonly leads to the frustration many hypothyroid patients experience.
Our clinical model works to identify the underlying causes of persistent hypothyroid symptoms. We then customize care plans for each individual patient based on those causes.
Free Thyroid Dinner Talk
Join us for a free thyroid dinner event where we discuss the reasons women suffering from low thyroid continue to suffer despite their medications and “normal test results”
During The Dinner, You’ll Learn:
- How Thyroid Patients are able to Reduce & Eliminate long standing low thyroid symptoms.
- Why you have every thyroid symptom in the book but no one has been able to diagnose it.
- How Thyroid Patients are able to FINALLY LOSE WEIGHT without radical diets and exercise programs
- Find out how ONE TEST might be able to completely change your life.
Chronic Pain
You Don't Have to Resign Yourself to Live with Chronic Pain in Tulsa, OK
Tissue injury can be caused by a single traumatic event, such as improper lifting of a heavy object, or through repetitive stresses, such as sitting in an awkward position with poor spinal posture for an extended period of time. In either case, injured tissues undergo physical and chemical changes that can cause inflammation, pain, and diminished function for the sufferer.
Learn how we can help address your chronic pain:
- Migraine Headaches
- Back Pain
- Shoulder Pain
- Knee Pain
- Knee Injections
- Joint Injuries
- Muscle Injuries
- Bulging & Herniated Discs
- Posture Related Pain
- Physical Rehab
- Circulation & Blood Flow
- Allergies
- Joint Pain
- Shoulder Pain
- Muscle Pain
- Auto Injury & Whiplash
- Carpal Tunnel
Get Back To Doing What You Love With Lasting Joint Pain Relief!
Joint Injuries Affect our Daily Lives in Tulsa, OK in an Extreme Way.
Joint injuries can happen in a moment or after continuous misuse. Whether your injury happened yesterday, or it’s a chronic pain you’ve been dealing with for years, we have a solution for you! Start your path to a pain free life today!
Our team at Lifestyle Medical Center can help with the following joints:
- Knee
- Shoulder
- Hips
- Elbow
- Wrists
- Ankles
- Fingers
Medical professionals often suggest surgery or prescription medication as a first source of treatment for a joint injury. At Lifestyle Medical Center, we believe in less invasive methods to allow the body to heal itself.
Surgery can often create further issues down the road, not to mention the recovery periods and costs. Rarely, does an insurance policy cover the entire expense of a surgery. Suddenly, you have a recovery road in front of you, time off of work, medical bills, and a need for prescription medications for pain management. Before you try surgery, we recommend that you try our less invasive and expensive treatment plan.
Shoulder pain can drastically reduce your ability to perform many daily tasks.
We’ll help you recover from your painful shoulder injury. As your injury heals and your muscles regain their strength, you’ll discover a radical improvement in your quality of life.
Natural Pain Solutions
You will receive top-notch health care without unwanted side effects. Our goal is to restore your health without invasive surgery or expensive medications. We’ll locate the source of your pain and treat the underlying cause, rather than mask the symptoms.
Our Program
- Our doctors treat the whole patient, as opposed to conventional approaches that merely treat symptoms.
- We provide complete medical care and offer effective, noninvasive solutions to your pain, weakness, numbness, and loss of function.
- Your customized care plan will involve a range of treatments selected to meet your particular health needs.
- You’ll experience natural modes of treatment, focusing on overall wellness and injury prevention.
- We will collaborate with you to develop a set of goals to restore your health and ability to function. We know that a shoulder injury can be an obstacle to regular daily functioning, and we will aim to heal your injury and restore your life as quickly as possible.
- You’ll discover natural, effective care for your shoulder injury without resorting to surgery or medications.
Common Shoulder Injuries
- Instability can happen when your upper arm bone comes out of the socket, either partially or completely. This damages the surrounding muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and it can become a recurring problem if these tissues do not heal properly.
- Tendon inflammation or a tendon tear can happen during a single trauma or over time as your tissues experience aging and wear and tear.
- Osteoarthritis develops slowly over time and can cause swelling, pain, and stiffness in your joint.
- Fracture (a broken bone) is usually the result of a trauma or fall. Fractures cause severe pain and swelling.
Patient Testimonials
“My experience with Lifestyle Medical Center has been very good from the start. The process is thorough, including products to help aid ongoing mobility/function testing. I went in for a shoulder problem but realized most of my muscles were tight-so the full spectrum of treatment has been what I needed. The surprise was how enjoyable it has been to go through therapy because of the staff: Attentive, caring, competent, giving personal attention. A very welcoming atmosphere. This is a great program to help correct bad habits of posture, etc.”
– K Merck
“I had a wonderful experience at Lifestyle Medical Center. When I first came here, I was so stiff in my shoulders and back, to the point that it hurt when I bent over. After six visits of exercises, TPI’s, and lots of shared knowledge and care, I could no longer feel the tension. Now after 15 days, my body has improved 100%, thanks to the caring staff.”
– W Barnett
Treating Your Muscle Pain and Muscle Injuries with Trigger Point Injections
Muscle pain may be mild to severe, and it can be the result of numerous triggerin occurrences. You may know exactly how your muscle was pulled or strained, maybe even by playing your favorite sport of heavy lifting during manual labor, or you may have no idea where the pain came from. Your pain may be acute and felt immediately, or chronic hurting only during certain activities. At Lifestyle Medical Center, we have a modern medical solution for your muscle pain and muscle injury! Our medical staff is ready to WOW you with your trigger point injections, a quick and easy treatment for your muscle pain.
What Are The Symptoms of Muscle Injury?
Many patients resort to over-the-counter medication daily to get through the day with muscle pain and muscle injury. For a bit, it works! However, swallowing pills every day only masks injury, never healing the source of the pain. Our highly-skilled medical staff believes in finding the source of the pain, and treating it at that point. If you have any of the following symptoms of muscle injury and strain, we can help!
Here are some symptoms of muscle injury:
- Sudden onset of pain
- Continued sharp or dull pain
- Soreness
- Swelling
- Stiffness
- Muscle Knot
- Bruising
- Discoloration
- Redness
- Pain while resting
- Pain when using the specific muscle or related joint
- Weakness of the muscle or tendons
- Muscle spasms
- Limited range of motion
- Inability to use the muscle
At Lifestyle Medical Center, we can treat your muscle injury symptoms with a safe and natural solution!
We offer a non-invasive and drug-free solution for muscle injuries!
At Lifestyle Medical Center, we treat each individual patient for the muscle injury and muscle pain unique to them. Our medical staff will create a customized care plan that incorporates a modern medical approach, meaning we don’t prescribe to older treatments that have proven inadequate. At your first visit, we will give you a thorough and comprehensive exam to create an individualized care plan to heal your muscle injury and get you on the road to recovery!
What is the source of my muscle pain? Scientific studies have long shown that trigger points, which are small knots that form in the myofascial tissue that covers your muscles, often cause muscle pain. Myofascial tissue is a thin, strong, and fibrous tissue that surrounds the muscles in your body, providing support and protection to your muscles, joints, and bones. When Trigger Points form in the myofascial tissue, it can be extremely painful and chronic.
Locating and releasing your trigger points can alleviate muscle pain!
During your initial visit, our medical team at Lifestyle Medical Center will locate any trigger points that are causing you pain and discomfort. Trigger points can occur for a variety of reasons:
- Injury
- Repetitive trauma
- Poor posture
- Sleep disorders
- Nutritional deficiencies
- Sedentary behavior
- Lack of movement or exercises
After your muscles experience a trigger point injury, it can cause a ripple effect throughout your entire body. A muscle affected by a trigger point will tighten and become weak. You will instinctively stop using the muscle, leading surrounding muscles to pick up the slack. This compensation for the injured muscle will lead to all surrounding areas becoming tense, stressed, and overworked.
Often we can feel pain in completely separate areas of the body, but it’s often being caused by a trigger point injury. This radiation of pain is called referred pain, and it can lead to a decreased range of motion and an increased level of discomfort. All of this unequal movement and activity within your body can throw your body out of alignment and before you know it, you have an array of pain issues, all started by a small knot in your muscle. Trigger point pain can be felt in the following areas:
- Back
- Neck
- Shoulders
- Head
- Joints
- Jawbone
- Ears (ringing in the ears)
- Pelvis
- Legs
Come visit us at Lifestyle Medical Center to get to the root of your pain, and knock it out with a quick and natural treatment plan!
Don’t let lasting physical pain from an auto injury change your life.
An automobile accident is traumatic and can have lasting physical effects that will cause you pain for years to come if not addressed immediate after your accident. Auto accidents put a lot of strain and stress on the body that can result in a number of injuries that will potentially affect the entire body.
At Lifestyle Medical Center in Tulsa, OK we know that some injuries are more serious than others, but these are the possible outcomes of an auto accident and could occur at even 5 mph:
- Whiplash
- Headache
- Jaw pain
- Knee pain
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Shoulder pain
Many people who have been in auto accidents may also experience symptoms such as blurred vision, sleep disturbances, dizziness, irritability, and forgetfulness.
It is important to have an assessment from a healthcare provider following a car accident, even if you are not experiencing symptoms. Sometimes, it can take days or even weeks for symptoms related to automobile accident injuries to be noticeable.
What Is Whiplash?
Whiplash is a common injury sustained in an auto accident. You may also get whiplash from a sports injury, a fall, or a physical altercation. Whiplash is a strain or sprain of the neck and occurs when your head is quickly thrust forward and backward with the force of impact.
In an auto accident, whiplash is typically the result of a rear impact while the vehicle is stationary. The impact causes the head to suddenly jerk forward and back, putting a significant strain on the cervical spine and surrounding muscles and tissues. When impact happens quickly, your normal muscular reflexes can’t react fast enough to protect your cervical spine and associated tissue. That severely irritates your vertebrae and connective tissue, causing pain and stiffness.
While whiplash is not a life-threatening injury, if not treated, it can result in significant and long-lasting pain and discomfort. Are you experiencing headaches, tenderness in the shoulders and back and/or stiffness and a reduced range of motion in the neck, shoulders and upper back? If you answered yes to any of the above symptoms, it’s time to schedule your auto injury assessment at Lifestyle Medical Center!
It is important to seek care as soon as possible following a car accident as most injuries and related conditions can be managed and treated more easily in the early days before the body compensates for the injury and ends up causing more discomfort in different parts of the body.
Don’t postpone, call the experts at Lifestyle Medical Center for your whiplash or auto injury treatment today: (918) 747-5555
Wrist Pain, Numbness & Pins and Needles could be caused by Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when the median nerve in your wrist is compressed. Conventional medicine often relies on medication and surgery to deal with this painful condition, but safer, non-invasive alternatives exist. At Lifestyle Medical Center in Tulsa, OK, our medical and chiropractic team will treat this painful condition with non-surgical alternatives.
In fact, numerous studies have shown manual adjustments, gentle trigger point massage, instrument-based soft tissue therapy, gentle stimulation to the wrist, trigger point injections and assisted stretching helps relieve compression in the neck, shoulders, and upper back to relieve carpal tunnel symptoms, reduce inflammation and restore function.
Symptoms and Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Typically this condition develops in your forearm and wrist when your carpal tunnel, a small space in your wrist that protects the median nerve where it enters your hand, becomes inflamed and swollen. The swelling compresses the nerve and causes pain and a tingling sensation in your hand and fingers.
Symptoms to Look For:
- Pain in the arm between the elbow and hand
- Pain, numbness, or weakness in the hand, thumb, index finger, middle finger, and ring finger
- At first, symptoms appear more frequently at night, and you can shake your hand to relieve the discomfort. Over time, you’ll notice the symptoms linger throughout most of the day.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is often caused by inflammation associated with autoimmune conditions, diabetes, or hypothyroidism. Similar repeated movements of your wrists or a constant position where your hands are lower than your wrists also aggravates the condition.
Although carpel tunnel has no specific cause, any or all of the following may serve as a contributing factor:
- Frequent, repetitive, small movements with the hands (such as with typing or using a keyboard)
- Frequent, repetitive, grasping movements with the hands (such as with sports and certain physical activities)
- Joint or bone disease (for example, arthritis, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis)
- Hormonal or metabolic changes (for example, menopause, pregnancy or thyroid imbalance)
- Changes in blood-sugar levels (may be seen with type 2 diabetes)
- Other conditions or injuries of the wrist (for example, strain, sprain, dislocation, break or swelling and inflammation)
At Lifestyle Medical Center in Tulsa, OK we treat carpal tunnel syndrome without medications or surgery!
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be caused by more than just a nerve entrapment at the level of the wrist. The peripheral nerve actually emerges from the spinal cord in the neck, then goes through the neck muscles, shoulder muscles/joint, elbow muscles/joint and then finally the wrist muscles/joint. The nerve can be trapped anywhere along its route to the wrist, or any combination of these areas.
That’s why our team of medical physicians and chiropractic providers believe it’s important to address the whole chain of events to get the best outcomes. The healthcare team at Lifestyle Medical Center believe the body is one interconnected unit and Neuromuscular dysfunction or lack of function or motion in one area can lead to referred pain elsewhere. With carpal tunnel syndrome, the pain in your hand and inflammation at the wrist can be a symptom of problems elsewhere in the body.
Our team of chiropractors and physicians work together to provide our patients with the best and most complete physical medicine and chiropractic care to restore function and motion and alleviate the pain and irritation associated with carpel tunnel syndrome. At our medical center you’ll receive a customized treatment plan including physical rehab exercises for your shoulders, wrists, and neck to improve your range of motion in the muscles and connective tissue and nerves that go to your arm and wrist. The integrated medical team at Lifestyle Medical Center may also offer joint injections to stimulate your body’s self-healing mechanisms and ease the constriction of the median nerve.
Call Lifestyle Medical Center to schedule an appointment today: (918) 747-5555.
Knee Pain
Lifestyle Medical Center
Knee Pain Q & A
What causes knee pain?
When your knee joint isn’t working right, it can create imbalances all over your body, particularly through your ankles, hips, back, and shoulders. For example, muscles and ligaments can shorten or lengthen to compensate for these imbalances leading to pain and tension throughout your body.
As with any other joint, overuse of your knee can lead to injury and painful symptoms. You’re most likely to damage your knee during sports activities, work-related tasks, or following years of wear and tear. Arthritis and injuries cause knee pain that doesn’t go away on its own and requires medical evaluation.
When should I visit a doctor for my knee pain?
If you have knee pain that doesn’t subside after a day or two of rest and using ice packs, you should make an appointment at Lifestyle Medical Center. Other signs you should seek medical attention include:
- Popping, scraping, or crunching noises in your knee
- Difficulty walking
- Changes in your routine to avoid certain movements
- Redness and swelling
- Difficulty straightening your leg
- Severe weakness
- Stiffness
- Signs of a fracture
- Problems putting weight on your knee
Pain is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. Don’t accept knee pain as an inevitable part of aging. But the longer you ignore your symptoms, the less chance you have of avoiding surgery. That’s why it’s so important to get your knee pain evaluated promptly.
How is knee pain diagnosed and treated?
At Lifestyle Medical Center the medical team studies how the entire process of your knee function and other body mechanics affect the knee to identify the root cause of your knee pain.
For example, foot issues like flat feet and pronation can cause the knee to absorb a lot of extra pressure when the foot does not come in contact with the ground correctly. A pair of custom orthotics can relieve knee pain in this case, even if there is no foot pain.
Lifestyle Medical Center treats knee pain without surgery with state-of-the-art technology and integrative medicine therapies. The Lifestyle Medical team has a high success rate treating knee pain nonsurgically, often with a combination of natural injections, regenerative medicine, pressure wave therapy, and rehabilitative therapy.
The team at Lifestyle Medical Center knows that knee pain can stop you from living your life to the fullest. Call or schedule your appointment online today and get your life back on track.
- Additional Knee Pain Information
Chronic knee pain can prevent you from doing A LOT of the things you love. It’s time for a change!
At Lifestyle Medical Center in Tulsa, OK we know that knee pain seriously interrupts getting around easily or fully participating in leisure activities. If knee pain is keeping you from living life to the fullest, let the Integrated medical experts at Lifestyle Medical Center help you get your life back on track. Our experienced team provides natural options for patients of all ages in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area. Whether you’ve had prior knee surgery, have a new knee injury, or are suffering from arthritis, it’s possible to get long-lasting knee pain relief without the inconvenience and risk of surgery.
Where Does Your Pain Start?
As with any other joint in your body, overuse of the knee joint can lead to strain and pain. Knee problems most often occur during sports activities, work-related tasks, or after years of wear and tear. Arthritis and injuries cause knee pain that often doesn’t go away on its own and requires medical evaluation.
At Lifestyle Medical Center when we look at the knee, we look at the entire process of what the knee does and how other areas of the body affect the knee to find the root cause of the knee pain. For example, foot issues, such as a flat arch (pronation), can cause the knee to absorb a lot of extra pressure when the foot does not come in contact with the ground properly. A pair of custom orthotics could help with knee pain relief in this case, even if there is no foot pain.
It’s time to schedule your consultation when you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
- Popping, scraping, or crunching noises
- Difficulty walking
- Changes in your routine to avoid certain movements (avoiding stairs, quitting your favorite sport)
- Redness and swelling
- Difficulty straightening your leg
- Severe weakness
- Stiffness
- Signs of a fracture
- Difficulty putting weight on your knee
How is it possible to treat knee pain non-surgically?
With a variety of treatments and state-of-the-art technology the Integrated medical team at Lifestyle Medical Center uses, it’s possible to treat knee pain without surgery. However, the longer you ignore your symptoms, the less chance you have of avoiding surgery. That’s why it’s so important to get evaluated for knee pain promptly.
The Lifestyle Medical team has a great success rate treating knee pain non-surgically, often with a combination of natural injections or stem cell therapy and specific physical rehab.
Low Back Pain
Lifestyle Medical Center
Low Back Pain Q & A
How common is low back pain?
As many as 80% of Americans experience back pain at some point in their life. If left untreated, low back pain can become chronic and debilitating. The pain specialists at Lifestyle Medical Center find the cause of your low back pain and provide customized treatments to prevent your discomfort from worsening over time.
What causes low back pain?
Sometimes, a simple activity or movement, like bending over to pick up a dropped pen, can cause sudden lower back pain. You can experience low back pain following an injury or by lifting while twisting or moving a heavy object incorrectly. Low back pain can also develop gradually or be related to a degenerative condition. A lifetime of poor posture or obesity can cause back pain, too.
Persistent lower back pain may be a sign of a more serious underlying health condition. Common back pain symptoms you shouldn’t ignore include:
- A persistent dull ache in your lower back that doesn’t respond to pain relievers
- Ongoing muscle spasms in the pelvis, hips, or lower back
- Tight or stiff back muscles that don’t get better with stretching or resting
- Difficulty standing up straight for prolonged periods
- Difficulty walking even short distances
- Pain that worsens after sitting
- Pain that travels to the buttocks, legs, and feet
- Difficulty getting comfortable while lying down
If you have chronic low back pain or any of these symptoms, make an appointment today.
Is it possible to treat low back pain without medication?
A variety of lower back pain treatment options don’t require you to take medication. Opioid addiction has reached epidemic proportions in Oklahoma, so Lifestyle Medical Center offers a nonsurgical, natural alternative with a variety of lower back pain treatment options, including chiropractic treatments, pressure wave therapy, rehabilitative therapy, and state-of-the-art regenerative therapies.
In many cases, natural methods can help alleviate most pain. The experts at Lifestyle Medical Center use an integrative approach to treating lower back conditions without prescription pain medication.
The doctors at Lifestyle Medical Center want to find the cause of your back pain so they can recommend effective treatment options to heal the condition causing your pain and in the process reduce or eliminate your discomfort.
For more information about lower back pain and their evidence-based approach to treatment, call Lifestyle Medical Center or schedule your consultation online today.
- Additional Low Back Pain/Sciatica Info
Before debilitating back pain affects your work or personal life, contact the lower back pain specialists at Lifestyle Medical Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
At Lifestyle Medical Center we have over 38 years experience successfully helping thousands of back pain sufferers return to their normal everyday activities.
What causes lower back pain?
Sometimes, a simple activity or movement, like bending over to pick up a dropped pen, can cause sudden lower back pain. You may experience low back pain following an injury or by lifting while twisting or moving a heavy object incorrectly. Low back pain can also develop gradually or be related to a degenerative condition. A lifetime of poor posture, obesity, or a herniated disc can cause back pain, too.
Experts believe that as many as 80% of Americans experience some type of back pain at some point in their life. If left untreated, the pain may become chronic and debilitating. The pain specialists at Lifestyle Medical Center in Tulsa, OK will find the cause of your low back pain and treat it at the root cause before it worsens over time.
Treat Your Low Back Pain Sooner Than Later!
Persistent lower back pain may be a sign of a more serious underlying health condition. Common back pain symptoms you shouldn’t ignore include:
- Persistent dull, ache in your lower back that doesn’t respond to pain relievers
- Ongoing muscle spasms in the pelvis, hips, or lower back
- Tight or stiff back muscles that don’t get better with stretching or resting
- Difficulty standing up straight for prolonged periods
- Difficulty walking, even short distances
- Pain that worsens after sitting
- Pain that travels to the buttocks, legs, and feet
- Difficulty getting comfortable while lying down
Is it possible to treat low back pain without medication?
A variety of lower back pain treatment options don’t require you to take medication. Opioid addiction has reached epidemic proportions in Oklahoma. We offer a non-surgical, natural alternative with a variety of lower back pain treatment options. In fact, natural methods can help alleviate most pain. The experts at Lifestyle Medical Center in Tulsa, OK use an Integrated approach to treating lower back conditions without prescription pain medication.
The doctors want to find the cause of your back pain so they can recommend effective treatment options. Whether it is skeletal, general muscular pain, or the result of an injury, they offer noninvasive therapeutic options.
For more information about lower back pain and our proven treatment approach, call the office to schedule your consultation today
Call Now at (918) 747-5555 and start down your road to recovery as soon as possible!
Regenerative Medicine
Lifestyle Medical Center
Regenerative Medicine Q & A

What is regenerative medicine?
Regenerative medicine is used for tissue repair and pain relief. The integrated health care providers at Lifestyle Medical Center use donor cells from the umbilical cords of healthy mothers and babies. They treat the cells and make a serum, which they then inject into your damaged tissue.
The injected cell serum floods your damaged tissue with the cellular building blocks needed to repair your bones, muscles, and/or connective tissues. The injections trigger your body’s natural ability to heal and both support and advance the process for more rapid recovery and pain relief.
These cells are the basic building blocks of your body. They have the unique ability to change into whatever type of cell your body needs. When used in regenerative medicine, these cells seek out inflammation and tissue damage and accelerate your body’s ability to heal and grow new cells.
What conditions benefit from regenerative medicine?
The team at Lifestyle Medical Center uses regenerative medicine treatments to address a wide range of painful injuries and conditions, including:
- Knee injuries (MCL, ACL, PCL Sprains or Tears)
- Osteoarthritis
- Hip Pain or Labral Tears
- Shoulder Pain/Injury
- Back pain
- Achilles tendon
- Ankle Pain, Foot Pain
- Chronic and Lower Back Pain
- Wrist or Elbow
- Plantar Fasciitis
If you have a painful injury or live with chronic pain, call Lifestyle Medical Center today to find out if regenerative medicine is right for you.
What are the benefits of regenerative medicine?
Regenerative medicine promotes tissue repair and growth, helping your body heal and relieving pain without having to rely on medication. In many cases, regenerative medicine can help you avoid the need for surgery. These cells can help you grow new blood vessels and tissue, which can help your body become more resistant to future injuries.

Are there any negative side effects or contraindications?
In a very small percentage of patients, we occasionally see a minor reaction of flu like symptoms. This does not last more than 24-28 hours maximum. This actually demonstrates the cells’ anti-inflammatory and immune privilege potential.
Am I a good candidate for regenerative medicine?
If you have a painful musculoskeletal condition that is interfering with your life, but you are otherwise in generally good health, you could benefit from regenerative medicine procedures. The team at Lifestyle Medical Center offers comprehensive consultations and physical exams to determine if stem regenerative medicine is right for you.
If you want to know more about regenerative medicine treatments, call Lifestyle Medicine Center or schedule a consultation online today.
Neck Pain/Headaches
Lifestyle Medical Center
Neck Pain/Headaches Q & A
What causes headaches?
While headaches are widespread, they’re not a normal condition, and you don’t have to suffer through persistent pain. Most people get an occasional headache because of allergies or stress. If you experience headaches more frequently, it could be a sign of a medical condition that needs professional attention.
Some of the causes of headaches or migraines include:
- Allergies, including food allergies and seasonal allergies
- Chronic stress and anxiety
- High blood pressure
- Injury or trauma to the head and spine
- A sedentary lifestyle
- Spinal conditions like arthritis or nerve impingement
- Strain or tension in the muscles of the neck, shoulders, and back
- Injury or trauma like whiplash and sports injuries
At Lifestyle Medical Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the medical experts ask many questions about your headaches and lifestyle and provide a thorough exam to identify the root cause of your headaches. Once your provider identifies the cause, they create and implement a customized treatment plan to help you find relief.
What’s the difference between migraines and headaches?
Migraines are less common than other types of head pain and affect up to 30 million Americans each year. Unlike tension or cluster headaches, migraines are a collection of often debilitating neurological symptoms, including:
- Dizziness
- Vomiting
- Sensitivity to light, sound, smell, and other stimulation
- Blurred vision or auras
- Numbness and tingling in the face
During a migraine attack, throbbing and severe pain occurs on one, and occasionally both, sides of the head. The attacks can last as little as four hours and as long as 72 hours.
What are the common causes of neck pain?
One of the most common causes of neck pain is poor posture. Whether you spend your day slumped over a desk with your neck craned to see your screen or, like most Americans, spend more than four hours a day with your head tilted down to look at your phone, poor posture stresses the muscles in your neck and upper back, leading to chronic pain and reduced mobility.
Other causes of neck pain include:
- Arthritis
- Herniated discs
- Degenerative disc disease
- Neck strain
- Neck injuries such as whiplash
If you have neck pain that lasts for more than a few days and you don’t get relief with rest, over-the-counter painkillers, and/or hot or cold compresses, make an appointment for assessment and treatment.
How are migraines, headaches, and neck pain treated?
At Lifestyle Medical Center, the integrative team provides a comprehensive assessment before creating a customized treatment plan to address the specific type of pain and related symptoms you’re experiencing. The providers avoid using pain relief medication because these drugs only dull your pain and don’t do anything to correct the underlying cause of your pain.
Typically, the team at Lifestyle Medical Center uses a combination of medical treatments, including chiropractic, injections, pressure wave therapy, and rehabilitative therapy to treat your neck pain, headaches, and/or migraines.
The medical team is also expertly trained and licensed to use Botox® as an alternative treatment for headaches. Botox temporarily paralyzes subdermal muscles, which can relieve the tension and nerve compression responsible for many headaches.
Call Lifestyle Medical Center or make an appointment online today for customized treatments to relieve your neck pain, headaches, and migraines.
Lifestyle Medical Center
Neuropathy causes pain, weakness, and numbness, and when left unmanaged, it can lead to complications, including foot ulcers and an increased risk of severe slip-and-fall accidents. At Lifestyle Medical Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the team of integrated health care providers offers expert, patient-focused treatments to relieve your symptoms and enhance your overall health and well-being. Call Lifestyle Medical Center or schedule an appointment online today.
Neuropathy Q & A
What is neuropathy?
Neuropathy is the clinical term for nerve damage. It’s a common condition that affects more than 20 million Americans.
It’s often a complication of diabetes, although the condition can also develop without an obvious cause. Other causes of neuropathy include:
- Chemotherapy
- Kidney failure
- Celiac disease
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Lupus
- Alcoholism
Neuropathy is a chronic condition, and while there’s no cure, the team at Lifestyle Medical Center can help you manage your disease and slow its progress.
What are the signs of neuropathy?
Neuropathy can affect the peripheral nerves that control your ability to move and feel sensations as well as your autonomous body functions like digestion.
Some of the common signs of peripheral neuropathy include:
- Numbness, weakness, and reduced sensation in your feet, hands, legs, and arms
- Tingling or burning feelings
- Muscle cramping and weakness
- Loss of reflexes and fine motor coordination
The signs of autonomic neuropathy include:
- Incontinence
- Slow digestion
- Nausea, vomiting, and decreased appetite
- Increased sweating and problems regulating body temperature
- Erectile dysfunction and vaginal dryness
- Eye problems, including trouble adjusting from light to dark
Make an appointment for assessment immediately if you notice any of these symptoms.
How is neuropathy diagnosed?
The team of integrative health specialists at Lifestyle Medical Center diagnoses neuropathy with a detailed physical exam. Your doctor reviews your medical history and asks about your symptoms. During your exam, your doctor checks your sensitivity to touch and temperature, as well as your heart rate, blood pressure, reflexes, and muscle tone.
How is neuropathy treated?
While there’s no cure of diabetic neuropathy, you can reduce your symptoms and slow the progression of the disease with attentive medical care and innovative, integrative health therapies.
The team at Lifestyle Medical Centers offers customizable treatments, such as regenerative medicine and rehabilitative therapy, to reduce your discomfort and improve your balance and reflexes. Staying physically active helps keep your muscles healthy and flexible. If your neuropathy is diabetes-related, your doctor can help you manage your diabetes, which helps slow the progress of the disease.
Call Lifestyle Medical Center or make an appointment online today for personalized treatment for neuropathy.
Monday: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am – 6:00 pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed